
Campus Kindness

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Shore Road School students signed pledges, promising to be kind and supportive during Random Acts of Kindness Week.
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From left, Shore Road School students Deanna Angisani and Violet Benno are pictured with a Random Acts of Kindness bulletin board which reminds students to think before posting a comment on social media, as part of an effort to curtail cyberbullying.
Bellmore students know that kindness goes a long way in making the world a better place. At Shore Road School the week of Feb. 22-26 was designated as Random Acts of Kindness Week with fun and creative activities aimed at continuing to build a positive and caring learning environment and culture of respect.

Several activities were planned to help students reflect on their own behavior and imagine what an even better place Shore Road School would be if everyone commits to one small daily act of kindness. All Shore Road students signed pledges to be kind and supportive. Additionally, during the daily announcements, kindness quotes were shared, and students dressed according to a theme, which included wearing sweats (Being kind is no sweat), wearing a shirt backward (We’ve got each other’s back), donning a favorite hat (Put your kindness cap on), rolling up favorite socks (Crazy for kindness) and wearing pajamas or comfortable pants (Dream about a kinder world).