
100 Days Smarter

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As students entered Reinhard, they were welcomed with balloons and congratulatory remarks from faculty and staff, as is the school’s tradition on the 100th day of the school year. Dressed as 100-year-olds, the students marched into the auditorium to celebrate the occasion with song and exercise to match the District’s 2017-2018 theme of “Mind, Body, Heart.”

“Not only are the students educationally smarter, they are also more physically fit,” said Principal Patricia Castine. “The students are really meeting the challenges this year of becoming Bellmore ‘rising stars.’”

During the assembly, the students counted to 100 by ones, fives and 10s while exercising. They jumped rope 100 times with physical education teacher Elia Deblasio, sang the “100th Day of School” song, counted to 100 by 10s on the Math & Movement mat and answered questions related to the number 100. They also talked to peers about their favorite activity during the first 100 days of school. 

After the assembly, the students returned to their classrooms where they participated in additional 100th day English language arts and math activities and searched for 100 site words throughout the school.