
Student Campaign for Ronald McDonald House

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As part of an annual service learning project, fourth graders in Alexandra Grodin’s class at Winthrop Avenue held a collection for the Ronald McDonald House in New Hyde Park.

The students were unfortunately not approved in time to tour the facility, but instead were provided with a virtual tour using the district’s technology. They learned that Ronald McDonald House provides families from around the world a place to stay while seeking medical treatment for their children at little or no cost. They also discovered ways they can support the organization. 

The fourth graders were encouraged to sign up with their families or Girl Scout or Boy Scout troops to participate in Ronald McDonald House’s Meals from the Heart and Little Hands Helping Little Hands cooking programs to provide meals to families dealing with medical treatments. After studying propaganda techniques used in advertising, they also created posters that were prominently displayed in the school building and which advertised a school collection for Ronald McDonald House. The students also wrote brief announcements shared over the PA system to encourage school participation and to provide facts about Ronald McDonald House’s mission.