
A ‘Toy Story’ Study of Core Values and Leadership Principles

A ‘Toy Story’ Study of Core Values and Leadership Principles photo  thumbnail136292
A ‘Toy Story’ Study of Core Values and Leadership Principles photo 2 thumbnail136293
A ‘Toy Story’ Study of Core Values and Leadership Principles photo 3 thumbnail136294
Charles A. Reinhard faculty once again provided students with a fun-filled performance to teach the district’s leadership principles and core values during the annual pep rally on Oct. 11. 

Written by Coordinator for Student Services Elise Cahill, this year’s performance loosely reflected “Toy Story,” with all of the same beloved cast of characters but with emphasis on teaching Andy how to become a leader and a Rising Star. 

Under the direction of musical director Randi Andersen, each class performed songs based on one of the core values, while holding up handmade stars decorated with notations on how to become rising stars in the school and community. The entire student body also joined together to sing the Bellmore Stars Leadership Song at the end of the performance. Art teacher Michelle Block also worked with the student body to make the stars they carried to the performance.

The district thanks the following faculty for their amazing performance: Randi Andersen (musical director), Ari Bisk (sergeant 1), Michelle Block (Buzz Light Year), Elise Cahill (coordinator for student services), Regina Harten (Andy’s mom), Amanda Kowalski (Sid), Jennifer Magliano (Slinky), David Reilly (Woody), Kerri Ann Sanpietro (Hamm), Jamie Schantz (Bo Peep), Debbi Sebbesse (Mr. Potato Head), Jen Siano (Andy) and Marie Vevgas (Sergeant).