
Don’t Press Send

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At Shore Road School, fifth and sixth grade students learned that many of the district’s leadership principles and core values can also be applied to the use of technology. During a recent assembly called Don’t Press Send, students learned that safety and kindness are important components to using computers and other personal technology devices. 

Principal Patrice Matthews said the students regularly study and practice digital citizenship. During the 2018-2019 school year, the Charles A. Reinhard Early Childhood Center, Winthrop Avenue School and Shore Road School were named Common Sense Schools and the district a Common Sense District because of its commitment to teaching digital citizenship. The students understand that they leave a digital footprint every time they use technology.

The Don’t Press Send assembly reminded students to pause before they post something or send or answer an email. Students were also encouraged to “mindfully respond and not impulsively react” when reading any text or post.  Most importantly, students were encouraged to practice kind and careful communication while using any type of technology and reminded that sending inappropriate information online can negatively affect a person’s future.