
Honoring Our Nation’s Veterans

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Winthrop Avenue and Shore Road students recently took time out of their regularly scheduled classroom instruction to reflect on the men and women who served in the military and who are currently serving this country.  

Fourth grade students in Alexandra Grodin’s class at Winthrop discussed Veterans Day and the ways veterans can be honored every day. The students read and discussed Admiral William H. McRaven’s commencement address at the University of Texas. In the address, Admiral McRaven spoke about how to change the world and lessons learned during SEAL training on how to move forward in life. He says,  “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” Admiral McRaven’s speech was then tied into a lesson on accomplishing goals, prioritizing and “changing your own weather,” all important leadership goals as taught in the district’s Bellmore Stars Character Development Program. Ms. Grodin gave each student a toy soldier to place by their bed to remember to “make your bed.”

At Shore Road, Dr. Michael Capelli visited sixth grade students in Lisa Garry’s and Laurie DiMaina’s class. Dr. Capelli served as a doctor during the Vietnam War with the students information and memories of his time there and some memorabilia. The students received a firsthand glimpse into one of the country’s most volatile battles and the importance of leadership in times of adversity.

Additionally, Shore Road students and faculty contributed to the Veteran Wall, located in the fifth grade wing. Students were instructed to research or interview a veteran and to place the information on decorated paper dog tags, which contained a photo, the veteran’s station, rank and service. The dog tags were placed alongside the district’s core values of respect, teamwork, integrity, dedication and trust.