
Celebrating Television’s Greatest Music Hits

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During the first concert of the school year, fourth grade students celebrated the music of television’s favorite theme songs during a fall concert, held in the Winthrop Avenue School auditorium on Nov. 22.

Under the direction of music teacher Maria Martucci and Mallory Aronoff, who directed the choreography, the students performed a variety of tunes to the “Muppet Show,” “Gilligan’s Island,” “I Love Lucy,” and “The Flintstones.” Between each of the musical numbers, student leaders wearing television screens, read TV Show poems and facts. In addition, 21 talented members of the school’s orchestra performed selections from “Batman” and “Jeopardy” prior to the entire school singing in unison the “Winthrop Avenue Song.”    

Principal Sally Curto told the parents that the students demonstrated a strong commitment in their practices during recess. “Your children have shown great dedication to make this a wonderful concert.”