
Winthrop Winning Stars lead a tour through the school

Winning Star Leaders at Winthrop Avenue School facilitated a tour for local school administrators, which made a stop in the school gymnasium. thumbnail254608
In the cafeteria, students showed where they share positive messages.  thumbnail254609
The student-led tour made a stop at the art room.  thumbnail254610
In the auditorium, students sang about Core Values and Leadership Principles.  thumbnail254611
Several Winning Star Leaders at Winthrop Avenue School in the Bellmore School District facilitated a tour of the building for local school district administrators.

Multiple school districts made a visit to Winthrop to see firsthand how the district promotes student leadership through Core Values and Leadership Principles as part of the Character Development Program. Through every grade level, Bellmore stars are encouraged to be leaders at any and every opportunity available. Visiting administrators saw leadership in action as several students led the way through halls and classrooms while sharing facts about their daily learnings. They made several stops, including in the gymnasium and library, before concluding in the auditorium for a special show. On the stage, Winning Star Leaders sang the district’s Leadership Song which focuses on their Leadership Principles and Core Values. Leading the tour is just one of many ways Bellmore students have the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills.

Date Added: 1/31/2024