
Winthrop goes for gold in hockey unit competition

Classes at Winthrop Avenue School are facing off to win the coveted Winthrop Cup. thumbnail255349
The hockey unit promotes teamwork and sportsmanship as each team follows the rules of the game.  thumbnail255350
Winning Star Leaders at Winthrop Avenue School are picking up hockey sticks and facing off for an exciting top prize in their latest physical education unit.

Through hockey, students are practicing teamwork and sportsmanship as they must work together to defend their goals and score against their opponents. Each day is an exciting one as students enter the gymnasium to see foam hockey sticks and goals ready to play. Teams are vying for the Winthrop Cup, a large trophy mimicking the Stanley Cup. Every morning, the team receiving the Cup is announced on the loudspeaker to much anticipation from students. Each class will have the opportunity to proudly display the Winthrop Cup in their classroom.

Date Added: 2/22/2024